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Perfect Day Foods: It's a Perfect Day to Change the World

Guenevere Prawiroatmodjo Data Scientist

Data scientist, specialized in developing software for data storage, data visualization and data analysis pipelines. Experimental physics background in quantum computing and experimental research on semiconductors and complex oxides.

Ravi Jhala Head of Food Development

Experienced food industry professional with successful track record in managing product development & QA functions. Lead successful dairy product & process development projects for retail, food service and food ingredient companies of highest industry reputation. Skilled in food product & process development, formulation risk management, innovative business process implementation, personnel & time management. Proven track record of working successfully with supply and demand chain function.

Sascha Weiss Research Chef

Experienced Chef / Culinary Intructor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Menu Engineering, Catering, Food & Beverage, Cooking, and Food Preparation. Strong operations professional graduated from Natural Gourmet Institute.


We love dairy for its indulgent flavors, unparalleled nutrition, and versatility, but we don’t like the harmful way it’s produced or the fact that some people can’t enjoy it. Since 2014, we’ve been on a mission to make a better kind of dairy. It’s all part of creating a more sustainable food system for the planet.


We’re doing this by creating milk proteins — casein and whey — that are nutritionally identical to what comes from a cow, but without animals.

Flora-based dairy means dairy produced sustainably using less water, energy, greenhouse gas emissions and land. It means cruelty-free dairy produced without the use of factory farms. It also means dairy free from hormones, lactose, cholesterol, and pathogens that can make our food unsafe.

Such a Perfect Day as Cork-born start-up raises $34.7m

Got Impossible Milk? The Quest for Lab-Made Dairy

You’ve heard of lab-grown meat. Now there’s lab-grown ice cream.